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Re: st: not getting an expected result with gllamm

From   Joseph Coveney <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: not getting an expected result with gllamm
Date   Mon, 03 Oct 2005 11:18:28 +0900

Jos� Maria Pacheco de Souza wrote (excerpted):

I am trying an artificial data set in order to understand gllamm from
scratch, but the resulting output is not in accord with the MlWiN  output,
which seems correct to me:
which gives five paralel straight lines (one for each group), each one with
slope=1 and intercepts 4, 2, 0 -2, 4.
I used the commands
         eq inter:cons
.         eq slope:x
       . gllamm  y x, i(group) eqs(inter slope) nrf(2) ip(m)
and got the following output:



I take it that MLwiN either failed to converge, or gave residual variance
and covariance as zero and dropped the fixed effects intercept term and gave
a group variance of something like 10.  Could it be that -gllamm- is giving
you these results because of its use of numerical differentiation in its
calls to -ml-?

By the way, what is the option -ip(m)-?  m is not among the options
for -ip()- in either the online help file or the pdf user's manual that I
could find.  And why does -ip(g)- give an error? (version 2.3.10 SRH 4 jan

Joseph Coveney

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