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RE: st: RE: news modules on SSC

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: news modules on SSC
Date   Sat, 1 Oct 2005 18:33:34 +0100

Users can indeed write -egen- functions and many 
users have done that. Just look for files _g*.ado
in the official ado files as examples to emulate. 

. search certification script 

will give you Stata's answer to your last question. 

[email protected] 

Jean-Benoit Hardouin
> Dear Nick,
> On your 1., you're right: -genscore- is very sensitive to the missing 
> value and this is the main reason why I have wrote this 
> command: I must 
> improve the hlp file to explain that.
> On your 2., you're right BUT the *missing* option consider by default 
> only a point ".", so without using this option, you obtain 
> what you want 
> and a user who forget the *missing* option cannot have any problem. I 
> don't think this is a dangerous option, but I am interesting 
> by advices 
> of others users !
> On your 3. That's right !
> I modify the hlp file following these remarks and the ado file to 
> support -if- and  -in-. Thank you Nick for your mail !
> On the end of your mail, (my poor english can produce bad 
> interpretations) my idea was to write a user-written Stata packages 
> accessible from -egen- (I believe this is possible), not to 
> propose to 
> StataCorp to adopt it !! I am sorry if I have bad explain my idea.
> Nevertheless, I have learned full of things in your mail 
> about the way 
> to adopt something in official Stata. What is a certification script ?
Nick Cox a �crit :
> >-genscore- appears to be a variation on the existing
> >official -egen- functions -rowmean()- and -rowtotal()-
> >(-rmean()- and -rsum()- in Stata < 9). 
> >

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