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RE: st: Collapse & Missing Values

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Collapse & Missing Values
Date   Thu, 29 Sep 2005 01:54:08 +0100

bysort group : egen nonmiss = total(myvar < .)
by group: egen total = total(myvar) 
replace total = . if nonmiss == 0 
egen tag = tag(group) 
corr <whatever> if tag 

[email protected] 

Eric G. Wruck
> Thank you Nick for your valiant effort to characterize the 
> treatment of missings as a feature.  And thank you, 
> Friedrich, for your work-around (& again to you Nick for your 
> help on that too).
> Let me just try to explain why this wasn't a feature for me 
> today.  Using the collapse statement, I was aggregating 
> various amount fields by day.  There could be multiple (and 
> usually were) transactions per day.  Once I had the 
> aggregated amounts, I was interested in their correlations, 
> especially the correlation of one amount with the lagged 
> amount of another.  When I start introducing erroneous zero 
> amounts, my correlations will not be unbiased, & certainly 
> not correct.  In fact, the way I discovered this is that one 
> colleague was computing the same correlations in SAS.  For 
> some reason, I had more observations than he.  I now know 
> that my "extra" observations were the result of collapse's 
> treatment of missing values.  I was able to get the same 
> correlations as my colleague by deleting the observations 
> with missing amounts but then I also lose the information on 
> the number of transactions on those days (albeit with 
> incomplete data).  So yes, I emphatically agree with your d
>  iagnosis:
> >I guess what Eric would in effect like Stata to do
> >is to keep track of all the occurrences of
> >missing so that -sum()- would produce say
> >
> >. + . + . + . + . + . + 42 = 42
> >
> >but
> >
> >. + . + . + . + . + . + . = .
> >
> >Thus, at the end of a set that were all missing,
> >-sum()- would be morally compelled to say,
> >"No, that initial guess of 0 doesn't apply here.
> >These values are all missing, so the sum must
> >be missing. I changed my mind!"   
> Failing such a radical change to collapse, perhaps there 
> could be an "allmiss" parameter that would make the sum of 
> totally missing values equal to missing.

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