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Re: st: reporting odds for N categories

From   "Svend Juul" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: reporting odds for N categories
Date   Thu, 22 Sep 2005 19:22:53 +0200

Dan wrote:
I have a cross sectional dataset which reports the health outcomes
and covariate information for patients belonging to Z clinics.
    I am trying to compare the performance (ie. % of patients in a clinic
that failed health outcome) for each of the Z clinics, but can not
find a way that I can produce results suitable for graphing from
either the logistic or tabodds commands, as the reference group is,
by default, the clinic with the lowest numeric ID.
    How can I set the reference category to the mean, so that I can graph
the odds of failing, controlling for A and B, for each of the Z clinics
in the dataset?
    Sorry in advance if this is a really silly question!

The question is not silly.

Since you mention a reference category problem I assume that you want
odds ratios, not odds.

You may choose clinic 17 as the reference category by:
   . char clinic[omit] 17
   . xi: logistic failed A B

On -char-, see [R] xi or -help xi-.

Hope this helps


Svend Juul
Institut for Folkesundhed, Afdeling for Epidemiologi
(Institute of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology)
Vennelyst Boulevard 6
DK-8000 Aarhus C,  Denmark
Phone, work:  +45 8942 6090
Phone, home:  +45 8693 7796
Fax:          +45 8613 1580
E-mail:       [email protected]

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