Thanks to both Nick Cox and Nick Winter.
The two solutions worked fine.
You're genius.
Best regards.
n j cox
<[email protected]> To: [email protected]
Sent by: cc:
owner-statalist@hsphsun2. Subject: Re: st: Parse question
09/22/2005 11:12 AM
Please respond to
I was wondering this the other day but didn't
remember anything. You could try -tokenize-
using the character in question, but then
you have to keep track of occurrences at
the beginning and end as well as in the middle.
Given this,
*! NJC 1.0.0 22 Sept 2005
program charcount, sclass
version 8
args string char garbage
if `"`char'"' == "" | `"`garbage'"' != "" error 198
local c = 0
forval i = 1/`= length(`"`string'"')' {
if substr(`"`string'"',`i',1) == `"`char'"' local ++c
sreturn local count = `c'
you should fire at it a quoted string and a quoted character,
charcount "`loc'" "a"
and it will leave behind -s(count)- with the answer.
di s(count)
There's also no doubt a Mata solution.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Is there any way to count the number of occurence of a particular
character in a local or global macro?
For example:
local loc (a mama baba).
I would like to count the number of occurences of "a" , in this case 5.
Or local loc "There; That; This)
I want to count the number of occurences of ";".
I am writing an ado for a work and I can't figure how to do it.
I have a look at macrolists but there is no mention of that case.
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