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st: survey analysis with 3 waves

From   "Rosenthal, James A." <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: survey analysis with 3 waves
Date   Mon, 19 Sep 2005 13:57:50 -0500

Dear Statalist member:

Here is a general question about the survey data analysis as implemented

I have been analyzing Wave 1 data from a stratified, cluster sample (8
strata, 100 PSUs within the various strata, 5000 individuals within the
various PSUs).

There are now 3 waves of data available.

In my new analyses with 3 waves, I want to do the following: 1) use,
essentially, the same SVYSET command (this because the strata and PSU's
are unchanged), 2) use all available records for analyses (some cases
have less than 3 waves of data, so in this situation I want to use all
waves that are available for a case) and 3) use the wave-specific
sampling weights for each case (the sampling weights change modestly
from wave to wave).

Is this an appropriate analysis strategy?  I have limited experience in
survey analysis and want to be sure I am not doing something (major)

One concern I have is that the manual for the data set suggests using
one weight (not 3 separate ones) for all waves of a given case (this
suggestion presumes, to my best knowledge, that only cases with all 3
waves of data are included in analyses).  Would I be better off choosing
one constant weight?  If so, which weight would that be (1st, 2nd or 3rd
wave)?  I think I am better off not excluding cases with fewer than 3
waves of data.  Any comments on this?

I am going to be doing, basically, regressions.  Population-averaged
results will be satisfactory, though I am as much modeling the data as
trying to make inferences regarding (finite) population parameters.

Thanks for any help that you might be able to offer on this.


Jim Rosenthal
Professor and Graduate Coordinator
University of Oklahoma
School of Social Work
1005 Jenkins Avenue
Norman OK 73069
fax: 405-325-7072
[email protected]

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