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Re: st: comparison of diagnostic procedures

From   Roger Harbord <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: comparison of diagnostic procedures
Date   Thu, 08 Sep 2005 12:12:22 +0100

As Pepe mentions on p43, you can test the null hypothesis of equal sensitivity or of equal specificity of two binary tests done on the same people using McNemar's test (-symmetry- or -mcc- commands in Stata). I think something like:

. symmetry test1 test2 if disease==1 /* for sensitivity */
. symmetry test1 test2 if disease==0 /* for specificity */

However with 12 tests there are a lot of comparisons (66 for each of sens & spec) so some allowance for multiple testing does seem a good idea.

A Bayesian approach seems quite attractive for this sort of problem as you can then meaningfully ask "what is the probability that test X has the highest sensitivity?", which you can't in a frequentist framework. You'd need to switch to something like WinBUGS to get an answer to that though.

If one test has higher sensitivity than another but lower specificity or vice-versa then which is better also depends on the disbenefits of false positives compared to false negatives of course.


Roger Harbord [email protected]
MRC Health Services Research Collaboration & Dept. of Social Medicine
University of Bristol

--On 07 September 2005 15:07 -0400 "Michael P. Mueller" <[email protected]> wrote:

You might want to take a look at this book: Pepe, M.S. (2003).
Statistical Evaluation of Medical Tests for Classification and
Prediction. Dr. Pepe has Stata programs on her webpage you can download.
Hope this helps,

[email protected] wrote:

������ ������ ���  Svend Juul <[email protected]>:

htzvara (?) wrote:

i have one variable which represents if the patient has the disease
(coding: 0-
1)--and this is standard.
Additionally i have 12 more variables which represents the outcome of 12
different diagnostic procedures (coding: 0-1 for all of them).I want to
find which is the best diagnostic procedure. I calculate the
sensitivity and specificity and their confidence intervals for each of
them. If the confidence
interval for the sensitivity of one diagnostic procedure do not overlap
the confidence interval for the Se of another diagnostic procedure then
the difference is significant.
Is there any test to perform and give p_value? Is there a need to make a
correction for multiple comparisons.?


It is not quite clear to me what you want. If it is to find the single
test that has the "best" predictive value, try Paul Seed's -diagt-
(findit diagt). However, you must look at both sensitivity and
specificity to get a meaningful assessment.

I am not sure why you want to test whether the sensitivity of two tests
are significantly different. And the confidence interval comparison you
describe is quite insensititive.

Would this show what you need:
Make a logistic regression followed by -lroc- (ROC analysis):
  . logistic disease test1-test12
  . lroc

You might then try to remove tests to see whether removal makes a
difference to the AUC (area under curve).

Hope this helps

Thank you very much for your help.

I know about diagt and i used it to obtain the sensitivity - specificity.
Roc analysis cannot help as the variables which represents the
diagnostic  tests are not continuous but dichotomous (0-1).Even if i can
see, which test  has the best se-sp i want to perform a test to prove it.

thank you again.

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