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RE: st: Calculating the e^b using listcoef

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   RE: st: Calculating the e^b using listcoef
Date   Sun, 4 Sep 2005 16:51:35 +0100

Two points: 

1. In extreme cases, you can always look 
at the code. The formula used by -listcoef- 
to calculate e^b appears to be e^b. 

2. The question is confused by not 
distinguishing between levels here. -listcoef- 
is a user-written command; Stata just works on 
what -listcoef- tells it to. 


Mosi A. Ifatunji
> My question is not so much, "How do 
> I get Stata to
> produce an e^b?" but more like "What formula does Stata use 
> to produce the
> e^b?" Here is the scenario that produced the question:
> In checking the e^b with by hand calculations (FYI: my hand 
> calculation are
> based on a text book and while some e^bs were very close to 
> being the same,
> some were not), I found that the results were different when 
> I calculated by
> hand and with Stata. So the question is, what formula does Stata use?

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