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Re: st: outreg adds minus symbol to se's

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: outreg adds minus symbol to se's
Date   Fri, 02 Sep 2005 07:10:18 -0500

At 06:55 AM 9/2/2005, Wouter van Gils wrote:

I'm a newby in using Stata, but like it very much. A few days ago I tried the outreg package to export my results to Excel. The export of coefficients works fine, but the standard errors turn negative when I use the 'coefastr' option. (The coefastr tag marks the coefficients with significance levels instead of the se's or t-values.)
It is interesting that -outreg- continues to be the #1 downloaded program, even though it hasn't been updated in years and is apparently no longer supported by the author. Since you are a newbie, I suggest you get off on the right track and try -estout- instead. Most people think it is at least as good or better as -outreg- and the author continues to support and update it. I don't know about this particular issue, but my guess is that any problems in -estout- are much more likely to eventually get fixed than any problems that exist in -outreg-.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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