It appears that the size is hardcoded, but you could change the values
of the
symy and symx option in line 490 of -tmap_choropleth- to alter the
size of
the boxes.
Line 490:
local LEGEND `"`LEGEND' symy(1.7) symx(3) keygap(1) rowgap
----- Original Message -----
From: Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:05 am
Subject: st: tmap legend size
> The -tmap- package from SSC has an option that controls the legend
> size but it only affects the size of the text.
> . use Us-Database.dta, clear
> . tmap cho hsdip if conterminous, id(id) map(Us-Coordinates.dta)
> legsize(4)
> The above command draws a map with a bigger legend text but the boxes
> next to the text stay small. Is there an option that controls the
> size of the boxes?
> Thank you,
> Friedrich Huebler
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