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st: RE: Looping graph and changing title

From   "Steichen, Thomas J." <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Looping graph and changing title
Date   Wed, 24 Aug 2005 08:50:55 -0400

Thomas J. Steichen
[email protected]
  Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. - Aldous Huxley

Jorge Morgenstern writes (in part):

> I want a graph for each category (each country) in my 
> dataset. I then generate the variable series and loop 
> up to its maximum. What's really odd it's that, if I 
> disable the twoway command, the list of  countries 
> displays correctly. If I enable it, only the first 
> country is displayed, and only the first graph shows 
> the title. The rest of the iterations generate an empty 
> display line and an empty titled graph.
> egen series=group(country_codeifs)
> quietly tab series
> local cant=r(r)
> forval x=1/`cant' {
>     local c= trim(country_name[r(N)/r(r)*`x'])  *****this 
> inputs the first 
> record of each category to the title variable
>     noi di " `c' "
>     twoway (line exp_lblended mktdate if series==`x') , title(" `c' ")
> } 

The problem likely is that returned values r(N) and r(r) no longer 
exist after -twoway- runs (they came from the -tab- outside of the
loop).  Try saving them as macros before the loop then use the macros.  


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