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Re: st: How to find a macro containing a given string

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: How to find a macro containing a given string
Date   Tue, 23 Aug 2005 10:27:59 -0500

Joseph Coveney <[email protected]> asks:

> I'd like to be able to find the name of a macro that contains a given
> string.  After -anova-, there is a list of ereturn macros that contain the
> name of the term in the model and the number assigned to the term
> by -anova-.  I want to be able to do arithmetic on the scalars (sum squares
> and degrees of freedom) associated with that term's number by referencing
> the model's term.
> Example:  Let's say -ereturn list- after -anova- shows
> . . .
> e(term_1) : "clinic"
> e(term_2) : "physician|clinic"
> . . .
> I would like to write a program with a syntax of, say,
> -satterthwaite clinic physician|clinic . . .-
> and have the program query -anova-'s ereturn macros in order to get the
> names of the macros corresponding to these terms.  I can then parse the
> numerals from the macro names in order to look up the corresponding ereturn
> scalars, e(ss_1), e(df_1), e(ss_2), e(df_2), . . ., and do arithmetic on
> them.
> I've scanned through the ado-file for -test- (perhaps it's in -_test-), and
> looked at -help macros-, and its linked help files, but nothing jumped out
> at me.  I can always use brute force to go through the list of ereturn
> macros in a loop, or concatenate their contents in-sequence (again, a loop) 
> and use -posof-.  But is there anything more direct?

I would use a loop.  I think it is rare to have thousands of
terms in an ANOVA, so a loop should not be overly time consuming.

    local i 1
    local index 0
    while e(term_`i') != "" {
            if e(term_`i') == "`whatever'" {
                    local index `i'
                    continue, break
            local ++i
    if !`index' {
            di as err "`whatever' not found in most recent anova"
            exit 147

    <... code that refers to e(df_`index') and e(ss_`index') ...>

Obviously replace `whatever' with whatever is appropriate for
your program.  The -continue, break- inside the loop pops you out
of the loop as soon as the term is found (thus saving execution
time if the term is early in the list).

Ken Higbee    [email protected]
StataCorp     1-800-STATAPC

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