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st: RE: RE: Turning Graph Legend Off

From   "Steichen, Thomas J." <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Turning Graph Legend Off
Date   Mon, 22 Aug 2005 15:34:27 -0400

In a reply to Kevan Polkinghorne I wrote about -concord-:

> Since the "default" legend is a real mess, the concord code 
> creates its own legend.  

In hindsight, I note that my use of the phrasing "a real mess" 
may not have been particularly diplomatic.  No slight was 
intended to StataCorp and I hope none was taken.

This does not change the fact that the default legend _is_ a 
real mess... but perhaps a little explanation would have been 
appropriate.  The -concord- graphics routine plots unlabeled 
internal temporary variables that have Stata-generated names 
(like __000012).  Further, not all of the variables in the plot 
need to be included in a legend. Lastly, the plot order of the 
variables is not the same as the order desired in the legend.
These 3 issues combine to create an ugly, uninformative legend...
one that is a "real mess" relative to the information needed
to be conveyed.  The solution, of course, is to use the tools
provided by StataCorp to generate a legend that is concise,
informative, and aesthetically pleasing.

Still, an author's opinion about what constitutes a "concise, 
informative, and aesthetically pleasing" legend may not always 
match the opinion of every user of that program (or even that
of every coauthor of the program, as I seem to recall that 
Nick preferred a sparser graph than I did!)  Thus, a request to 
provide the ability to turn off this "work of art" (it gets
grander with every word), as Kevan made, is not unreasonable.
And it is even more reasonable when the authors of the code 
intended to allow that capability but failed!  Thus Kevan's
request has been accommodated.

Tom Steichen
(coauthor of concord)

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