I used the Stata maximum likelihood (ml) routine to maximize a
linear-form (lf) likelihood function that I wrote, using Stata 9.0
SE. The standard errors that Stata is reporting look off, so I am trying
to bootstrap the maximum likelihood routine to obtain more robust
standard errors.
I am not sure how to bootstrap the maximum likelihood routine. I tried
"bs _b : ml maximize" but this gives an error message.
Does anyone have any experience bootstrapping the maximum likelihood
routine for either Stata 8 or Stata 9? (I know that the bootstrap
routine changed from 8 to 9, which is why I mention this.) If so, I
would appreciate knowing how to do this.
Thanks for your help
Robert Town
Associate Professor
University of Minnesota
School of Public Health
Mayo Mail Code 729
420 Delaware St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455