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Re: st: Problems with program

From   "R.E. De Hoyos" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Problems with program
Date   Thu, 18 Aug 2005 16:39:15 +0100


I haven't gone through your code, but if the problem is just with -outreg- why don't you using -estout- (ssc install estout) instead.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrea Molinari" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: st: Problems with program

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried changing the name of the global, but
still got the same error.
Any more ideas/suggestions are more than welcomed!!!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christian Holz" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: st: Problems with program

use another name for your macro "varlist". The ado -outreg- uses
"varlist" as well. And since you defined it as a global macro (which
remains valid even in the outreg ado) it most likely interferes here.
Best from Scotland,
Christian Holz
Department of Sociology
University of Glasgow
Scotland, U.K.

Andrea Molinari wrote:
> Richard,
> Many thanks for your suggestion. I tried using globals, but again it
> seem to work. I'm attaching part of the code I'm using (it'll hopefully
> 'readable'). The strange thing is that I'm just having problems with > the
> outreg line of the program (STATA doesn't recognise the loop `var' in
> name of the out file...).
> Thanks again for help and ideas!
> Andrea
> global varlist "text wood paper chem nonmet bamet metal"
> global xvar "adj ldist eec9mxc ibemxc eftmxc grceec9mc grceec9xc
> ibeeec9xc ibegrcmc ibegrcxc efteec9mc efteec9xc eftgrcmc eftgrcxc
> eftibexc eec9nmmc eec9nmxc grcnmmc grcnmxc ibenmmc ibenmxc eftnmmc
> lingtie"
> global xvarsetPRE "adjsePRE ldistsePRE eec9sePRE ibesePRE eftsePRE
> grceec9msePRE grceec9xsePRE ibeeec9msePRE ibeeec9xsePRE ibegrcmsePRE
> ibegrcxsePRE efteec9msePRE efteec9xsePRE eftgrcmsePRE eftgrcxsePRE
> eftibemsePRE eftibexsePRE eec9nmmsePRE eec9nmxsePRE grcnmmsePRE
> ibenmmsePRE ibenmxsePRE eftnmmsePRE eftnmxsePRE lingtiesePRE"
> global xvarsetPOS "adjsePOS ldistsePOS eec9sePOS ibesePOS eftsePOS
> grceec9msePOS grceec9xsePOS ibeeec9msePOS ibeeec9xsePOS ibegrcmsePOS
> ibegrcxsePOS efteec9msePOS efteec9xsePOS eftgrcmsePOS eftgrcxsePOS
> eftibemsePOS eftibexsePOS eec9nmmsePOS eec9nmxsePOS grcnmmsePOS
> ibenmmsePOS ibenmxsePOS eftnmmsePOS eftnmxsePOS lingtiesePOS"
> capture program drop regse
> program regse
> local dep `1'
> local xvar "`2'"
> local cons `3'
> regress `dep' `xvar' `cons', robust nocons
> predict resid, r
> log on
> sktest resid
> jb1 resid
> log off
> drop resid
> *need to re-estimate the R-squared here!
> capture drop yhat
> capture drop r2
> capture drop constant
> gen constant=1
> mkmat $xvar constant, mat(xvar)
> matrix b = e(b)'
> matrix yhat = xvar * b
> svmat yhat, name(yhat)
> quietly corr `dep' yhat
> gen r2 = r(rho)^2
> di ":::::::::: R-squared using method 2 :::::::::::"
> di "R2 = " r2
> outreg using PREPOS`var'ss, bdec(3) coefastr se 3aster nor2
> addstat("R2",r2,"Normality",$jb) adec(4,2) append
> end
> foreach var of global varlist {
> log using chow2stage`var'ss.log, replace
> log off
> xtreg srem`var' srep`var' srec`var' lrgdp95pcm lrgdp95pcx lbrer > dbt`var'
> d79-d87 if year<1988, fe
> outreg using PREPOS`var'ss, bdec(3) coefastr se 3aster nor2 replace
> xtreg srem`var' srep`var' srec`var' lrgdp95pcm lrgdp95pcx lbrer > dbt`var'
> d93-d99 if year>=1992, fe
> outreg using PREPOS`var'ss, bdec(3) coefastr se 3aster nor2 append
> bysort mx: egen msrem`var'PRE=mean(srem`var') if year<1988
> by mx: egen msrep`var'PRE=mean(srep`var') if year<1988
> by mx: egen msrec`var'PRE=mean(srec`var') if year<1988
> by mx: egen mdbt`var'PRE=mean(dbt`var') if year<1988
> by mx: egen msrem`var'=mean(srem`var') if year>=1992
> by mx: egen msrem`var'POS=max(msrem`var')
> by mx: egen msrep`var'=mean(srep`var') if year>=1992
> by mx: egen msrep`var'POS=max(msrep`var')
> by mx: egen msrec`var'=mean(srec`var') if year>=1992
> by mx: egen msrec`var'POS=max(msrec`var')
> by mx: egen mdbt`var'=mean(dbt`var') if year>=1992
> by mx: egen mdbt`var'POS=max(mdbt`var')
> regse uset`var'PRE "$xvarsetPRE" conssePRE
> matrix rssPREset=e(rss)
> matrix nPREset=e(N)
> regse uset`var'POS "$xvarsetPOS" conssePOS
> matrix rssPOSset=e(rss)
> matrix nPOSset=e(N)
> save chowfetse`var'ss, replace
> log close
> }
> ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Richard Williams" <[email protected]>
> To: <[email protected]>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:45 PM
> Subject: Re: st: Problems with program
>>At 03:39 PM 8/17/2005 +0100, Andrea Molinari wrote:
>>>Dear all,
>>>I am trying to build a program to estimate the same procedure but with
>>>seven (slightly) different sets of data. For this, I'm using the
> forvalues
>>>loop with seven locals, but this stops if there is a program (which
>>>uses those seven sets of data) inside the loop.
>>>I tried putting the programs outside the loop, and 'call' it inside >>>the
>>>loop, but in that case the program does not recognise the locals of >>>the
>>>Does anyone have any suggestions for solving this problem?
>>It would help to see some of your code, but one possibility might be to
> use
>>global variables instead of local variables.
>>Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
>>OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
>>FAX: (574)288-4373
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