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st: grc1leg and ysize(#) & xsize(#) options

From   "Hiroshi Maeda" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: grc1leg and ysize(#) & xsize(#) options
Date   Wed, 17 Aug 2005 23:53:00 -0500 (CDT)

Dear Stata users,

I've just learned about -grc1leg- through exchanges among list members
yesterday and now have a question of my own (I am using Stata9 in a Win-XP
PC). It seems to me that -graph combine- respects ysize(#) & xsize(#)
options documented in Graphics Manual (p. 82) but -grc1leg- doesn't. Below
is a mock graphics session I concocted for an illustration purpose.

===== Start of my demonstration =====

version 9


set obs 5;

gen YEAR=.;
replace YEAR=1890 in 1;
replace YEAR=1900 in 2;
replace YEAR=1910 in 3;
replace YEAR=1920 in 4;
replace YEAR=1930 in 5;

gen CDR_01=.;
replace CDR_01=23681 in 1;
replace CDR_01=18316 in 2;
replace CDR_01=15269 in 3;
replace CDR_01=11494 in 4;
replace CDR_01=7812  in 5;

gen CDR_02=.;
replace CDR_02=2029 in 1;
replace CDR_02=1435 in 2;
replace CDR_02=1081 in 3;
replace CDR_02=779  in 4;
replace CDR_02=401  in 5;

set scheme s2mono;

graph twoway (line CDR_01 YEAR) (line CDR_02 YEAR),
	legend(label(1 "CDR_01") label(2 "CDR_02"))
	saving(GRAPH_01, replace);

graph twoway (line CDR_01 YEAR) (line CDR_02 YEAR),
	legend(label(1 "CDR_01") label(2 "CDR_02"))
	saving(GRAPH_02, replace);

graph twoway (line CDR_01 YEAR) (line CDR_02 YEAR),
	legend(label(1 "CDR_01") label(2 "CDR_02"))
	saving(GRAPH_03, replace);

graph twoway (line CDR_01 YEAR) (line CDR_02 YEAR),
	legend(label(1 "CDR_01") label(2 "CDR_02"))
	saving(GRAPH_04, replace);

graph combine GRAPH_01.gph GRAPH_02.gph GRAPH_03.gph GRAPH_04.gph,
	ysize(5.25) xsize(9.0)
	saving(GRAPH_05, replace);

grc1leg GRAPH_01.gph GRAPH_02.gph GRAPH_03.gph GRAPH_04.gph,
	ysize(5.25) xsize(9.0)
	saving(GRAPH_06, replace);

===== End of my demonstration =====

When I use -graph combine-, I get a combined graph in the size I desire
(GRAPH_05). But when I combine the same set of graphs using -grc1leg-, I
get a smaller graph (GRAPH_06). One can see the difference between those
two graphs when one prints them from Stata or a word processing program.
Is this because -grc1leg- was written for Stata8 and it's not fully
compatible with Stata9? Is there any way to make -grc1leg- respect
ysize(#) & xsize(#) options? I find -grc1leg- very attractive and would
not like to give up on it just yet. Thank you. ---Hiroshi

Hiroshi Maeda
University of Illinois at Chicago

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