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Re: st: treatment effect

From   Patricia Sourdin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: treatment effect
Date   Thu, 18 Aug 2005 11:50:46 +0930

could you let me know where I can find your reference, please?

Patricia Vera Rojas wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to determine the impact of a labour market program
> in the employment results for participants(the treatment
> occurs at some time during the unemployment spell).
> Following Fredrikson and Johansson (2004)("Dynamic
> treatment assignment-the consequences for evaluation  using
> observational data"), this effect can be estimated through
> the difference between survival functions for treated and
> not treated.
> After the logit/probit for getting the probability of
> participation in the program, what is the command for
> getting this difference?. Since "stslist" gives a table of
> probabilities of survival for the entire population and not
> for anyone, how can I get this difference?.
> Thanks,
> Patricia
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Patricia Sourdin
School of Economics
Adelaide University, AUSTRALIA 5005
Ph    : +61 8 8303 6006
Fax   : +61 8 8223 1460
e-mail: [email protected]
CRICOS Provider Code: 00123M

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