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Re: st: egen mean function

From   austin nichols <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: egen mean function
Date   Wed, 17 Aug 2005 20:52:08 -0400

I assume you have numeric date nd, and compute mean cnv across
individuals as, e.g.
. egen mcnv=mean(cnv), by nd

If you have data on every day, or you don't care if any are missing,
and you really want the prior 7 calendar days, you could start with
. bys nd: gen byte nfirst=(_n!=1)
. sort nfirst nd
. set obs `=_N+7'
. replace nd=0 if nd==.
. g byte s=0
. forval d=1/7 {
    replace scnv=max(0,scnv)+ /*
  */    max(0,mcnv[_n-`d']*inrange(nd[_n-`d'],nd-7,nd-1)) if nfirst==0
. g byte ccnv=0
. forval d=1/7 {
   replace ccnv=ccnv+(mcnv[_n-`d']!=. & inrange(nd[_n-`d'],nd-7,nd-1)!=0)
. g m7cnv=scnv/ccnv
. li, noo clean
            d      nd   mcnv   scnv   ccnv      m7cnv  
            .       0      .      0      0          .  
            .       0      .      0      0          .  
            .       0      .      0      0          .  
            .       0      .      0      0          .  
            .       0      .      0      0          .  
            .       0      .      0      0          .  
            .       0      .      0      0          .  
    26nov2003   16035      6      0      0          .  
    24aug2004   16307     32      0      0          .  
    26aug2004   16309     27     32      1         32  
    27aug2004   16310     30     59      2       29.5  
    28aug2004   16311     34     89      3   29.66667  
    29aug2004   16312      5    123      4      30.75  
    30aug2004   16313     30    128      5       25.6  
    31aug2004   16314      3    158      6   26.33333  
    01sep2004   16315     27    129      6       21.5  
    02sep2004   16316     43    156      7   22.28572  
    03sep2004   16317     12    172      7   24.57143  
    04sep2004   16318      2    154      7         22  
    05sep2004   16319     21    122      7   17.42857  
    06sep2004   16320     44    138      7   19.71428  
    07sep2004   16321     26    152      7   21.71428  

Though there may be a one-line solution avail after much thought...

On 8/17/05, James Avery <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear all,
>  I would like to create a new variable, prior
> week campaign news volume (PWCNV) that is the mean CNV
> for the prior 7 days. Is it possible to do this with
> the egen mean function or with another egen function?

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