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Re: st: outreg after non-standard estimatoin

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: outreg after non-standard estimatoin
Date   Wed, 17 Aug 2005 17:14:26 -0500

At 05:44 PM 8/17/2005 -0400, Alexand Shepotilo wrote:

I am using my own estimation routine that does not use one of standard
stata command. To display results on the screen I use ereturn display. I
realized that it would be wonderful to make outreg work with my routine
to present results in the table with all that stars and brackets but do
not know how to do it. Is it possible?
Whenever -outreg- comes up these days the standard answer seems to be, Why don't you try out -estout- instead? Even if -estout- won't do what you want, the author (Ben Jann) is still actively supporting it and might be willing to listen to good ideas for enhancements. I just tried it with one of my own estimation routines and it seems to work fine. Use -findit- to get it, as well as related programs like -estadd-, -eret2- and -estsave-.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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