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st: filenames for -permute using-

From   Roger Harbord <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: filenames for -permute using-
Date   Mon, 15 Aug 2005 17:22:17 +0100

Hi all (StataCorp programmers in particular!),

I just discovered that a program a wrote under version 7 of Stata has become slightly broken in Stata 9: -metareg- with the -permute(#, detail)- suboption no longer works.

Looking into this i find it now needs quotes around a temporary filename -line 299:

permute `xlist1' `xlist2' using `pm', `level'

- must now be replaced by

permute using `xlist1' `xlist2' using `"`pm'"', `level'

(pm is a local macro holding a the name of a tempfile)

A bit of tracing shows the problem occurs because under Windows the tempfile name contains a colon. This causes problems under Stata 9 because -permute- is now a prefix command and has a colon in its usual syntax, even though the -using- syntax doesn't have a colon.

I have a -version 7- statement at the start of this program. [U] 11.6 "File-naming conventions" says that quotes are required only for filenames containing blanks. I guess to be on the safe side I should always include quotes around tempfile names just in case someone's TEMP directory contains a space, but that seems unlikely (typically will be something like C:\WINNT\TEMP) and i've had no reports of problems before.

Would be very nice if this could be fixed by an official Stata update...

Best wishes,

Roger Harbord [email protected]
MRC Health Services Research Collaboration
Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol

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