dear all,
we try to estimate a multionmial logit model with a random intercept using
simulated ml.
Yet, our program has the problem that we never can identify unoberserved
heterogeneity, although we know
that it is present. (we estimated the model using gllamm)
In other words, the likelihood has the same value as when estimating with
the normal mlogit command,
whithout unobserved heterogeneity.
Here is our program and the log file, do you have an idea what we are
doing wrong?
thank you very much
peter and arne
sort persnr;
qui by persnr: gen t=_n;
label define tbylabel 1 "base" 2 "two" 3 "three";
label values tby tbylabel;
#d cr
mlogit tby sex, base(1)
matrix Init= e(b)
cap prog drop multinom_sim_d0
program define multinom_sim_d0
args todo b lnf
tempvar etha2 etha3 random lj pi1 pi2 pi3 spi1 spi2 spi3 mpi1 mpi2 mpi3
tempname lnsig sigma
mleval `etha2' = `b', eq(1)
mleval `etha3' = `b', eq(2)
mleval `lnsig' = `b', eq(3) scalar
qui scalar `sigma'=(exp(`lnsig'))
qui gen double `random' = 0
qui gen double `pi1'= 0
qui gen double `pi2'= 0
qui gen double `pi3'= 0
qui gen double `spi1'=0
qui gen double `spi2'=0
qui gen double `spi3'=0
set seed 123456789
local repl=50
local r=1
while `r' <= `repl' {
qui replace `random' = (invnorm(uniform()))*`sigma' if t==1
qui by persnr: replace `random' = `random'[1]
qui replace `pi1'= 1/(1 + exp(`etha2' + `random')+exp(`etha3' + `random'))
qui replace `pi2'= exp(`etha2' + `random')*`pi1'
qui replace `pi3'= exp(`etha3' + `random')*`pi1'
qui replace `spi1'=`spi1'+(`pi1')
qui replace `spi2'=`spi2'+(`pi2')
qui replace `spi3'=`spi3'+(`pi3')
local r=`r'+1
qui gen double `mpi1'=`spi1'/`repl'
qui gen double `mpi2'=`spi2'/`repl'
qui gen double `mpi3'=`spi3'/`repl'
qui gen double `lj' = `mpi1' if ($ML_y1==1)
qui replace `lj' = `mpi2' if ($ML_y1==2)
qui replace `lj' = `mpi3' if ($ML_y1==3)
qui mlsum `lnf'=ln(`lj')
if (`todo'==0|`lnf'>=.) exit
ml model d0 multinom_sim_d0 ( two: tby = sex ) /*
*/ ( three: tby = sex ) (baumi:)
matrix start = (Init)
*ml init start baumi:_cons=0.5
ml maximize, difficult trace
. mlogit tby sex, base(1)
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -1349.1298
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -1332.0463
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -1331.9206
Iteration 3: log likelihood = -1331.9206
Multinomial logistic regression Number of obs = 1313
LR chi2(2) = 34.42
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -1331.9206 Pseudo R2 = 0.0128
tby | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf.
two |
sex | .4227768 .1368457 3.09 0.002 .1545643
_cons | .5381711 .0885475 6.08 0.000 .3646211
three |
sex | .9436537 .1632866 5.78 0.000 .6236178 1.26369
_cons | -.5460938 .1161788 -4.70 0.000 -.7737999
(Outcome tby==base is the comparison group)
. matrix Init= e(b)
. cap prog drop multinom_sim_d0
. program define multinom_sim_d0
1. args todo b lnf
2. tempvar etha2 etha3 random lj pi1 pi2 pi3 spi1 spi2 spi3 mpi1 mpi2
3. tempname lnsig sigma
4. mleval `etha2' = `b', eq(1)
5. mleval `etha3' = `b', eq(2)
6. mleval `lnsig' = `b', eq(3) scalar
. qui scalar `sigma'=(exp(`lnsig'))
8. qui gen double `random' = 0
. qui gen double `pi1'= 0
10. qui gen double `pi2'= 0
11. qui gen double `pi3'= 0
12. qui gen double `spi1'=0
13. qui gen double `spi2'=0
14. qui gen double `spi3'=0
. set seed 123456789
16. local repl=50
17. local r=1
18. while `r' <= `repl' {
19. qui replace `random' = (invnorm(uniform()))*`sigma' if t==1
20. qui by persnr: replace `random' = `random'[1]
. qui replace `pi1'= 1/(1 + exp(`etha2' + `random')+exp(`etha3' +
22. qui replace `pi2'= exp(`etha2' + `random')*`pi1'
23. qui replace `pi3'= exp(`etha3' + `random')*`pi1'
. qui replace `spi1'=`spi1'+(`pi1')
25. qui replace `spi2'=`spi2'+(`pi2')
26. qui replace `spi3'=`spi3'+(`pi3')
27. local r=`r'+1
28. }
. qui gen double `mpi1'=`spi1'/`repl'
30. qui gen double `mpi2'=`spi2'/`repl'
31. qui gen double `mpi3'=`spi3'/`repl'
. qui gen double `lj' = `mpi1' if ($ML_y1==1)
33. qui replace `lj' = `mpi2' if ($ML_y1==2)
34. qui replace `lj' = `mpi3' if ($ML_y1==3)
35. qui mlsum `lnf'=ln(`lj')
36. if (`todo'==0|`lnf'>=.) exit
. end
. ml model d0 multinom_sim_d0 ( two: tby = sex ) /*
> */ ( three: tby = sex ) (baumi:)
. matrix start = (Init)
. *ml init start baumi:_cons=0.5
. ml maximize, difficult trace
initial: log likelihood = -1461.4353
trying nonzero initial values ++
alternative: log likelihood = -1438.4468
rescaling entire vector ..
rescale: log likelihood = -1438.4468
rescaling equations .+.+.++++++.
rescaling equations ......
rescale eq: log likelihood = -1353.8803
Iteration 0:
Coefficient vector:
two: two: three: three: baumi:
sex _cons sex _cons _cons
r1 0 1 0 .25 .0078125
log likelihood =
Iteration 1:
Coefficient vector:
two: two: three: three: baumi:
sex _cons sex _cons _cons
r1 .5790007 .2912365 1.10536 -.7637936 -.9995876
log likelihood =
Iteration 10:
Coefficient vector:
two: two: three: three: baumi:
sex _cons sex _cons _cons
r1 .4227916 .5382313 .9436733 -.5460403 -14.37365
numerical derivatives are approximate
nearby values are missing
log likelihood =
Number of obs = 1313
Wald chi2(1) = 9.55
Log likelihood = -1331.9206 Prob > chi2 = 0.0020
| Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf.
two |
sex | .4227916 .1368477 3.09 0.002 .154575
_cons | .5382313 .0885484 6.08 0.000 .3646797
three |
sex | .9436733 .1632881 5.78 0.000 .6236345
_cons | -.5460403 .1161791 -4.70 0.000 -.7737472
baumi |
_cons | -14.37365 684.2106 -0.02 0.983 -1355.402
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