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st: Error message in application of principal component analysis with missing values

From   "Rodriguez, Dan (FIRMMKTRSK)" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Error message in application of principal component analysis with missing values
Date   Wed, 10 Aug 2005 19:36:39 -0400

In attempting to apply a principal-components analysis estimation to
some historical bond prices, I encountered the following error message.
Has anyone out there attempted to use this program for principal
component analysis with missing values?

. pcamv  aswap_spreadTKM067BOTM1002  aswap_spreadTKM072BOTM0103
aswap_spreadTKM2SONY0901, replace fs(fac1 fac2) rank(3)
#non-mv's in variable aswap_spreadTKM067BOTM1002 less than minobs

Thank you for your assistance,

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