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Re: st: Generating a variable / Format problem?

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Generating a variable / Format problem?
Date   Mon, 08 Aug 2005 15:15:50 +0930

Depending on your needs you could

(i) gen double temp = id

(ii) treat id as a string variable

You problem is most likely due to the limits of the computer in adequately representing the number of digits. Usually an id serves no analytical purpose and a string representation avoids these problems.

There are several FAQs on this topic available ( -findit precision-)


At 04:42 AM 8/08/2005 +0000, you wrote:

Dear Stata users,
I have a variable called id with 10 digits. I used "format id %15.0f" in order to be able to see all the digits in Stata.
My question is the following:
When I do:
"gen temp=id
format temp %15.0f"
for some weird reason, the new variable "temp" comes out with numbers different from the variable "id". But I want these two variables to be exactly the same!
Do you know why this is happening and what is the solution for this problem?
Thanks for your help,

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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor,
Department of Public Health
Associate Dean (Information Technology)
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Adelaide 5005
South Australia
tel 61 8 8303 3570
fax 61 8 8223 4075
CRICOS Provider Number 00123M
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