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Re: st: prediction

From   Raymond <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: prediction
Date   Fri, 5 Aug 2005 13:00:29 -0400

Thank you very much

On 8/5/05, Richard Williams <[email protected]> wrote:
> At 12:36 PM 8/5/2005 -0400, Raymond wrote:
> >I think we are talking about different things.
> >whant I want to do is predict the dependent values just using part of
> >the effects from
> >left hand side of the equation while not changing the values of the
> >effects estimated
> >from the "whole" model.
> It sounds like the same thing to me.  You have estimated a model that
> includes gender.  You now want to pretend that the effects of gender were 0
> while all the other effects were the same.  I'm not sure why you would want
> to do that.  As you've already noted, the other coefficients change when
> gender is dropped from the model.  Why not just use the estimates from a
> model where gender is excluded?
> But if you really really really want to do it anyway - I believe one simple
> way would be to recode the temporary gender dummy to zero, i.e. something like
> xi: poisson death i.age i.period i.gender, exposure (population)
> recode _Igender_1 (1 = 0)
> predict yhat
> -------------------------------------------
> Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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