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st: RE : xtfrontier queries

From   "Nicolas Couderc" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE : xtfrontier queries
Date   Fri, 5 Aug 2005 13:42:28 +0200

Hi Fraser,

(1) The -xtfrontier- (at least in my version of Stata, 8.2. Maybe Stata
9...) do not include the B&C(95) model, only the B&C(92) and previous
models. But you can use the -frontier- command, with the -dist(truncated)
cm()- options, in order to run a one-stage regression. But it's not a
cross-sectional command. See the Stata manuals for details about this

(2) To my knowledge, it's not possible. Why do you want to combine a dynamic
panel data estimator and a stochastic frontier estimator?

Hope this helps, kind regards,

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