Not clear to me either how so-called generalized logistic
distribution relates to the garden variety one defined here. In any
case here is a routine in the style of Hilbe that does the job, and a
test of whether it appears to meet the specs (which it does for
sufficiently large N):
Thanks! I had no idea how to use the generalized logistic routine that was
already there. The formulas are simple enough, but they are also easy
enough to forget. If I was going to tweak this a bit, I would make all the
parameters optional, with the defaults being # observations = current # of
observations, mean = 0 and b = 1; and I'd also let you specify the variable
name rather than have it preset; but I'd probably do something like that
for all the routines in the rnd package. It says version 3.1, so it looks
like it has been around for a while!