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st: Comparing coefficients on 3sls (reg3)

From   "Gheller, Jonathan" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Comparing coefficients on 3sls (reg3)
Date   Wed, 3 Aug 2005 13:34:11 +0100

This is both a theoretical question and a stata technical one. I will
like to estimate the direct and indirect impact of an explanatory 'x'
variable on a dependent variable 'y'. 'X' is present in all the
equations of my system. The theoretical part of my question is  whether
I can use non-standardized coefficients in order to get the direct and
indirect effect trough the necessary arithmetic calculation? If not, how
will I get a quick calculation of the standardized beta?...the option
beta does not work on reg3



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