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RE: st: Extract variable name in order to change it, iteratively

From   "David Harrison" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Extract variable name in order to change it, iteratively
Date   Tue, 2 Aug 2005 14:13:56 +0100

Along these lines, you could also specify that the two-digit year should be a string variable with, e.g.

reshape long var1_ var2_, i(id) j(year) string


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Philip Ryan
Sent: 02 August 2005 14:06
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Extract variable name in order to change it,

You might try an alternative specification of the j index on -reshape-.

Here is a little data set:

. list, clean noobs

 id   var1_00  var1_01 var1_88  var1_89  var2_00 var2_01  var2_88  var2_89
  1        11       13      12        3        4       6       67        8
  2         9        6      14        5       10       2       18        3
  3        13        4      11        2       15       8        8        7

. reshape long var1_ var2_, i(id) j(year 00 01 88 89)

Data                               wide   ->   long
Number of obs.                        3   ->      12
Number of variables                   9   ->       4
j variable (4 values)                     ->   year
xij variables:
            var1_00 var1_01 ... var1_89   ->   var1_
            var2_00 var2_01 ... var2_89   ->   var2_

. li, clean noobs

    id   year   var1_   var2_
     1      0      11       4
     1      1      13       6
     1     88      12      67
     1     89       3       8
     2      0       9      10
     2      1       6       2
     2     88      14      18
     2     89       5       3
     3      0      13      15
     3      1       4       8
     3     88      11       8
     3     89       2       7

That is to say, _you_ may specify the values of the subobservation index rather
than allow Stata to try and determine them - unsuccesfully on this occasion, as
you discovered.


Quoting Jeppe Warberg Larsen <[email protected]>:

> I have a wide data structure. Each observation consists of a unique
> identifier (say, id) and some series of annual variables with a
> two-digit suffix (running in different intervals). Like this:
> id var1_88 var1_89 ... var1_02 var2_92 var2_93 ... var2_02
> var3_...................................
> Now I want to reshape it to long, but stata fails to read the
> two-digit values after the turn of century (00 01 02), so I need to
> rename all varibles to a four-digit year.
> foreach var of varlist var1_88-var100_02{
> 	//save name of variable in a local string
> 	//do nessecary string manipulation (I can do that)
> 	//rename var
> }
> My problem seems to be:
> 1) extracting the name of the current variable
> 2) rename
> Do you understand what I'm asking?
> I'd be glad if someone can help, and please don't tell me that it
> would be easier to do this manually, because I will need to do this
> operation many times...
> Jeppe W. Larsen
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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor
Department of Public Health

Associate Dean (IT)
Faculty of Health Sciences

Head, Data Management and Analysis Centre
Department of Public Health and Department of General Practice

University of Adelaide
5005 South Australia
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