Azi wrote:
I am looking at the predictors of standardised mortality
ratio (SMR) for my cohort. I have two datasets:
-the first one contains death; person-years of observation
and different variable which i want to check as predictors
of smr.
-the second dataset contains the rate of mortality
(adjusted for sex and age) for the reference population.
After stset and stsplit in the first dataset, i merged it
with the second one and calculated the expected number of
death (e) for my cohort. In order to look at the
predictors of smr i used the following syntax:
xi: poisson _d i.psy i.cob ......., exposure(e) irr.
I wonder whether the selection of "e" as the exposure is
correct when my dependent variable is smr?
When i fit different models, pseudo R^2 is very small
(around 0.02) in all of them. This happens even when I
include variables which influence smr. For all models use of
poisgof gives a good results.