I'm estimating a dynamic panel data model via gmm and am trying to test
validity of a "subset" of instruments using a C (difference-in-Sargans)
test. The problem of getting negative test statistics when calculating
hand has been discussed before on this list. However, Baum, Schaffer &
Stillman (2003; Stata Journal) discuss how using the covariance matrix
the moment conditions from the restricted model (i.e., that model
the subset of instruments) can overcome the negative test statistic
I know that ivreg2's orthog option will conduct this test. However,
trying to convert my Arellano-Bond estimation
in an xtivreg2, the results of the C tests produced via the orthog
are very differnt from those that I calculated by hand after xtabond2
tests that where insig after xtabond2 become significant via the orthog
option). I assume this means that due to my poor programming skills, I
incorrectly used ivreg2 to estimate dynamic models per Arellano-Bond
(perhaps I have not effectively programmed first differences via
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to produce the "adjusted" C
using xtabond2?
Since the C test is just a difference in Sargan, calculate the two
xtabond2 models that you want to compare, save their Sargan stats and
form the appropriate Chi-square. It's just like doing a likelihood
ratio test 'by hand'--you just need the stat for each model and then
take their difference. The number of df of the C stat will be the
difference in the df of the respective Sargans, as you can see from an
example in ivreg2.
I doubt that you can manually create the instruments used by A-B for
use with ivreg2 (or any other IV routine). They are quite complicated
to construct.