From | Richard Williams <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: how to use multiple datasets? |
Date | Sat, 30 Jul 2005 11:04:05 -0500 |
At 05:37 PM 7/30/2005 +0200, Svend Juul wrote:
Question:This definitely sounds like the way to go to me. The main problem, I suppose, would be if you do not have write-access to the hard disk, or for some legal reason are not allowed to make extracts or copies. If so, you could do something like
Is it a technical or legal constraint that forbids you to open a dataset with Stata and next save a copy of it on your own computer?
That seems to be neccesary to perform what you want. For each country:
1. Open the dataset from the server.
2. -keep- the variables you need.
3. -save- the reduced dataset to your own computer
4. modify the X1,X2 variables to conform the same rules for all countries
Finally, -append- the modified datasets.
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