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Re: st: on 32/64-bit OS, CPU and Stata

From   [email protected] (Alan Riley)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: on 32/64-bit OS, CPU and Stata
Date   Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:47:02 -0500

James Muller ([email protected]) commented on
performance comparisons between 32-bit and 64-bit x86/x86-64
> The moral of the post (at bottom) is that taking advantage of 64-bit 
> Stata is justified on grounds of accessing huge amounts of memory, but 
> having the power to access more than can be accessed under 32-bit Stata 
> comes at the cost of speed.

This is not necessarily true.  Benchmarks do not always accurately
predict the way real-world applications behave.  In our testing,
64-bit Stata running on a 2 GHz Opteron performs at roughly the
same speed as 32-bit Stata running on a 3 GHz P4.

There is another post in the thread on FreeBSD referenced by James
which provides another viewpoint along with some explanation
for the speed differences discussed in that thread:

Regarding the use of both 32-bit and 64-bit Stata versions, James
> The updated binaries for the Stata progam itself are available from the 
> Stata website, for all OS's and both 32-bit and 64-bit on Win and Unix 
> Stata. Depending on legalities, and on how the binaries read the 
> licencing information saved on registration/input of serial number, it 
> may be feasible to use both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions on the same 
> computer, using whichever is most efficient for your purpose.

Although I believe users will be best-served by using native 64-bit
applications on 64-bit machines, users who wish to use more than
one type of Stata may purchase a license for an additional platform
for a nominal charge.

([email protected])
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