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Re: st: [Stata 8 for Mac] Dragging Do-Files to Stata Icon

From   [email protected] (Derek Wagner, StataCorp)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: [Stata 8 for Mac] Dragging Do-Files to Stata Icon
Date   Wed, 27 Jul 2005 14:19:27 -0500

Fredrik Wallenberg <[email protected]> wrote:

> When I throw this plist in there I get "corrupt application, please
> reinstall". I made the mistake of not backing up my original plist so
> I tried just taking the plist out to see if Stata would recreate
> one... it did not but the application launches just fine. Any more
> suggestions?

I tried it here and it works.  I even took the original Statalist response,
cut out the lines between "cut here", saved the file to the appropriate place,
and launch Stata with no problems and was able to drag and drop a do-file
onto Stata's icon on the Dock.

If you're using TextEdit (or any text editor) to save the file, make sure you
save it as a plain text file, not a rich text file (RTF).  I just used vi.

If you wish, you can email tech support and they can send you the file as
an attachment.

mganz <[email protected]> asked:

> Is there any way in Mac OS X 10.4 to ctrl-click on a do or ado file and have 
> it open in the editor, like right-clicking and selecting edit in Windows?

Double-clicking or right-clicking on a file on the Mac sends an Open Apple
Event to its owner application.  Stata has two choices as to what to do with a
do-file when it receives the open message--do it or edit it.  We chose to do
it.  There's no way for us to tell that you wish to edit the file because the
Finder doesn't have an Apple Event for editing a file.  And you don't want
a preference for editing the do-files instead of doing them because using to launch Stata would also open the do-file in the Do-file Editor.

What you're suggesting requires a plugin for the Finder that would have to be
installed with Stata.  I'll suggest it to our developers.

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