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Re: st: test survival curve differences at 5, 10, 15 year cut points

From   Allen Buxton <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: test survival curve differences at 5, 10, 15 year cut points
Date   Wed, 27 Jul 2005 08:36:32 -0700 (PDT)

Here is a crude little program to do this. (There is
an old package we sometimes use called Epilog that
provides point-wise KM curve comparisons). Hence the
name of the program epiwald because this is a standard
test of the form of an estimate divided by a standard
error. This is the way that I have seen this done.
Informally, it is like saying that two population
standard errors are known. H0 mu1 = mu2 vs mu1 ~= mu2.

-Allen Buxton 

capture program drop epiwald
program define epiwald
version 7.0
args m1 s1 m2 s2
	local d = abs(`m2' - `m1')
	local s = sqrt(`s1'^2 + `s2'^2)
	local z = `d'/`s'
	local p = 2*(1-norm(`z'))
	local p1 = 1*(1-norm(`z'))
	foreach Number in m1 s1 m2 s2 s z p p1 {
		local txt = `"``Number''"'
		local `Number'=(round(`txt'*10000)/10000)
	di `"mu1=`m1', mu2=`m2', std1=`s1', std2=`s2'"'
	di `"difference=`d', std=`s'"'
	di `"z-value=`z'"'
	di `"p-value=`p'"'
	di `"p-1side=`p1'"'
	di `""'

. sts list , by(contx_g0) at(6,12,48)

         failure _d:  event_i == 1 2
   analysis time _t:  event_d/30.4375

              Beg.                      Survivor     
    Time     Total     Fail             Function    
Error     [95% Conf. Int.]
       6        12        5              0.6875   
0.1159     0.4046    0.8563
      12        10        2              0.5625   
0.1240     0.2954    0.7622
      48         4        1              0.4922   
0.1269     0.2355    0.7064
       6         6        1              0.8333   
0.1521     0.2731    0.9747
      12         4        2              0.5000   
0.2041     0.1109    0.8037
      48         2        1              0.3333   
0.1925     0.0461    0.6756
Note:  Survivor function is calculated over full data
and evaluated at
       indicated times; it is not calculated from
aggregates shown at left.

. epiwald .6875 .1159 .8333 .1521
mu1=.6875, mu2=.8333, std1=.1159, std2=.1521
difference=.1458, std=.1912

. epiwald .5625 .1240 .5000 .2041
mu1=.5625, mu2=.5, std1=.124, std2=.2041
difference=.0625, std=.2388

--- "Wagner, Joseph" <[email protected]> wrote:

> I have been asked to test the difference between two
> lines on a KM graph
> at 5, 10, and 15 year points.  I had originally
> intended to use -sts
> test- but there isn't the option -at(5 10 15)- like
> there is with -sts
> list- (but the option -test- isn't allowed when the
> -at- option is used)
> and I prefer to not create new variables for 5, 10,
> 15 year endpoints.
> I am at a loss how to do this.  Ideally, I want a
> single graph with the
> test coefficient at each 5 year point.  (I am using
> version 8)
> Here are my -stset- and -stcox- statements:
> stset datelr, id(patkey) failure(death_yn)
> origin(dxdate) scale(365.25) 
> stcox type agedxfr race sex, nolog 
> sts list, by(type) adjustfor(agedxfr race sex)
> compare at(5 10 15)
> I have considered using different -exit- options
> with -stset- but I
> don't think you can specify an exit of 5 years
> post-entrance.  Correct
> me if I am wrong.
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