Suppose I want to label the 12th row of a matrix: 1982-83
If I assign this value to a local macro, and then use matname, everything
is fine:
. local tmp12a="1982-83"
. matname matrixname `tmp12a', row(12) e
i.e., when I list the matrix, the label is 1982-83
This is a silly way to do things, but now consider the problem where a
label such as 1982-83 is the 12th case of a variable such as
var15 .
. local tmp12b=var15[12]
assigns the string 1982-83 to the new local macro, in the
sense that
. dis `tmp12b'
displays 1982-83
but the command
. matname matrixname `tmp12b', row(12) e
results in the label: var15[12] being assigned to the 12th row of
the matrix--not the string associated with this element.
Is there a workaround for this?
Or, more generally, is there a simple way to assign the values of a
variable to the corresponding rows of a matrix (which is what I am trying
to do here)?
Thanks in advance,
--Herb Smith
Professor of Sociology and
Director, Population Studies Center
3718 Locust Walk CR
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6298
[email protected]
215.898.7768 (office)
215.898.2124 (fax)
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