sorry it should be the following:
*convert your numeric variable to string first
tostring varname, replace force
format varname %13.0f
gen newvar=substr(varname,6,1)
*convert the new variable back to numeric
destring newvar, replace force
I think this should work.
>>> owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu 07/19/05 5:21 pm >>>
I am trying to isolate some digits from a variable to form a new variable.
For example, I have a variable with 13 digits (e.g. 5101232120011) and I
want to extract the 6th digit (in this case 3) and make it a separate
variable. The original variable always has 13 digits in it. I wonder
whether I can use Stata to do this. I will appreciate suggestions.
Adolf Mkenda
Dar es Salaam.
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