Two suggestions:
1. Do you also need a unique id?
gen uniqueid = _n
2. Check out the -stable- option.
[email protected]
Deborah Garvey, Ph.D.
> I have data with a household identifier (serial) and a person
> locator within each household (pernum).
> Is there any way to maintain a sort order of PERNUM within
> SERIAL, i.e., the results of a command like -sort serial
> pernum- for a -bysort- that is sorted on a within-household
> indicator variable, i.e. -bysort serial (indicatorvar):
> several expressions to condition the value of a PERNUM-level variable-
> My question may seem odd, but the person's location in the
> household is an important criterion for determining the
> indicator variable's value. Unfortunately, the value of the
> indicator variable may be the same for more than one person
> in the household, so I can't use -bysort serial pernum
> (indicatorvar): stuff-
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