It is easy to put a set of file names in a macro
using a macro extended function:
{local | global} macname : dir ["]dirname["] {files|dirs|other}
["]pattern["] [, nofail ]
-fs- is a convenience command canning this on SSC.
Having done that, the most obvious way to do what you
outline would seem to be a loop over the files using -foreach-.
Note that with -describe using-, you do not need to
read in any file to get at the number of observations.
So, for example,
fs *.dta
foreach f in `r(files)' {
qui d using `"`f'"'
di `"`f'"' " " `r(N)'
displays information for all .dta files in the current directory.
Adding files is not discussed here.
[email protected]
Luhang Wang
> Can stata put all the file names of data sets under certain directory
> into a macro? Or is there some other way to read the data sets under
> certain directory antomaticcally?
> To be more specific, what I'm trying to do is to open the data sets
> under some directory and count the observations, and I may add files
> to that directory. Many thanks!
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