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st: Stata8 - simultaneous equations with panel data

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Stata8 - simultaneous equations with panel data
Date   Mon, 18 Jul 2005 16:47:03 +0100 (WEST)

Dear statalist users,

I'm trying to estimate the following simultaneous equation model with
panel data, using stata8:

y1* = a1 y2 + b1 X1 + e1,

where y1 = 1 if y1* > 0
         = 0 otherwise

y2 = a2 y1* + b2 X2+ e2 (this is my structural equation of

where y1* is a limited dependent variable (the probability of a successful
fiscal adjustment) and y2 a continuous variable, say the rate of growth of
gdp or consumption, for example.

Is there a problem if I use the xthtaylor command in stata to estimate
both equations?

I would be extremely gratefull if you could help me.

Thank you very, very much,
My best regards,

Sofia Costa

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