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st: RE: RE: Herfindahl index

From   "Joly, Patrick: IAB" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Herfindahl index
Date   Mon, 11 Jul 2005 13:51:03 -0400

Dawood Ashraf wrote
> I am trying to calculate degree of concentration in an industry
> by using the Herfindahl index.  I am using the panel data where
> I have 10 years of time, 50 states, in every state there are a
> few companies. 

> bysort  state: generate HERF= (asset/ sum(asset))^2 if repdte==1997

The solutions presented by others are all you really need to generate your indices.  However, if you are interested in a one-liner as an alternative, I wrote a routine a few years ago to compute Herfindalh-Hirschman indices.  You can save the code below (beware of lines that may wrap or inadvertently cut off) as a file called _ghhi.ado somewhere on your ado path, and generate an index as

egen HERF = hhi(asset) if repdte==1997, i(state)

The documentation is included in the -egenmine.hlp- file, which is a subset of my own suite of egen routines to complement the excellent egen and egenmore packages.

Pat Joly

----_ghhi.ado------<copy from the next line...>-----
*! _ghhi: generate herfindahl index of industry concentration
*! version 1.1   16aug2002   PJoly
* v.1.0   20feb2002   PJoly
program define _ghhi
      version 7
      gettoken type 0 : 0
      gettoken g    0 : 0
      gettoken eqs  0 : 0
      syntax varname [if] [in], i(varname) [ t(varname) ]
      marksample touse, novarlist
      tempvar totsls mktshsq
      qui {
            sort `touse' `t' `i'
            by `touse' `t' `i': g double `totsls' = sum(`varlist') if `touse'
            by `touse' `t' `i': replace `totsls' = `totsls'[_N]
            by `touse' `t' `i': g `type' `g' =  /*
                               */  sum((100*`varlist'/`totsls')^2) if `touse'
            by `touse' `t' `i': replace `g' = `g'[_N] if `touse'
            * concenc and total sales surely not 0 in an entire industry
            replace `g' = . if `g'==0
      la var `g' "Herfindahl index, Group(`i')"
----------< the line above>-----<copy from the next line...>-----
{* 01dec2001}{...}
help for {hi:egenmine}{right:[P.Joly]}

{title:My own extensions to generate}

{p 8 27}
[{it:type}] {it:newvar} {cmd:=}
[{cmd:if} {it:exp}]
[{cmd:in} {it:range}]

{cmd:by} {it:...} {cmd::} may be used with some {cmd:egen} functions
as noted below; see help {help by}.


{cmd:egen} creates {it:newvar} of the optionally specified storage
type equal to {it:fcn}{cmd:(}{it:arguments}{cmd:)}.
Depending on {it:fcn()}, {it:arguments}, if present, refers to an
expression, {it:varlist}, or a {it:numlist} and the {it:options}
are similarly {it:fcn} dependent.
Note that the explicit subscripting (using {cmd:_N} and {cmd:_n}),
which is commonly used with {cmd:generate}, should not be used with
{cmd:egen}; see {hi:[U] 16.7 Explicit subscripting}.

{title:{cmd:Egen} functions}

{cmd:hhi(}{it:salesvar}{cmd:),} {cmd:i(}{it:idvar}{cmd:)} {...}
{p 4 4}
may not be combined with {cmd:by} since option {cmd:i()} in effect
defines the group variable.
{cmd:hhi()} generates a Herfindahl index of industry concentration
based on {it:salesvar}, a variable representing the total sales of a
firm within an industry.
The values of any Herfindahl index lie between 0 and 10,000.
{it:idvar} specifies the industry variable and {it:timevar}, which is
optional, specifies the time variable.


Patrick Joly, Industry Canada

{title:Also see}

{p 0 19}
On-line:  help for
      {help egen},
      {help egenmore}
      (if installed)
----------< the line above>-----

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