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st: -tabstatmat- and matrix row name with period

From   Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -tabstatmat- and matrix row name with period
Date   Mon, 11 Jul 2005 09:20:53 -0700 (PDT)

I have Stata 8.2. Is it possible to create a matrix row name that
contains a period? [U] 17.2 on matrix row and column names indicates
that a row name can contain a period when it has the form
ts_operator.subname. I encountered this problem when I tried
-tabstatmat- (available at SSC) with a variable whose labels indicate
ranges like "0 to 9.9" or "10 to 19.9".

. sysuse auto, clear
. lab def foreign 0 "0 to 9.9"
. lab val foreign foreign
. tabstat mpg, by(foreign) save
. set trace on
. tabstatmat mat

= matrix rownames mat =  `"0 to 9.9"' `"1"' Total
0to9:  operator invalid
------------------------------ end tabstatmat ---

Can -matrix rownames- accept a period and is it then possible to
change tabstatmat.ado accordingly?

Thank you,

Friedrich Huebler

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