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st: Syntax of ivprob

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Syntax of ivprob
Date   Fri, 08 Jul 2005 14:33:03 -0300

I am facing some problems trying to use ivprob user command. NHot matter what
syntax I use, I always receive the r(101) error message "time-series operators
not allowed".

My model is:

dterc - the dependent binary variable
varperc - the endogenous independent variable
vagas - the instrument

varmod - an independent exogenous variable
gdp - an independent exogenous variable
school - an independent exogenous variable

I tried the following sintaxes:

ivprob dterc endog(varperc) iv(vagas) exog(varmod gdp school)

What is wrong?

Ivan Ribeiro

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