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st: Inputting data from inside .do-file

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Inputting data from inside .do-file
Date   Fri, 8 Jul 2005 13:53:11 +0200

Dear Statalisters,

I am making an .ado-file to produce a large number of standardized incidence
rates. The program uses data from the standard population stored in
'standardpop.dta' which has 3468 records. Now, I have to keep this standard
population with the .ado-file as an ancillary file, and I thought it would
be easier if the data from 'standardpop.dta' could be entered automatically
from inside my .ado-file. 

I could do it like this:

set obs 3468
input year male age pop
1901 0 0 151800
1901 0 5 133900

...etc., but it's hard work!

Could anybody suggest a more efficient way?

Thank you in advance.


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