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Re: st: dates and time

From   Sylvain Friederich <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: dates and time
Date   Mon, 4 Jul 2005 17:10:31 +0100 (BST)

This has come up on the list a few times in the past. 

There was a brief discussion perhaps two or three
weeks ago (the thread was initiated by Eric Wruck)
which should be easy to find in the List archive.

Best wishes,


--- samani Lamabadusuriya
<[email protected]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a dataset that contains the following 4
> variables; I am trying to
> calculate the elapsed days, hours and mins between
> open and closed times.
> Is there anyway I could convert the date and time
> variable into one date
> variable.  
> open_date	open_time	closed_date	closed_time
> 22/09/2004	18:25:48	22/09/2004	18:34:55
> 22/09/2004	15:39:13	22/09/2004	16:40:41
> 23/09/2004	12:50:23	23/09/2004	12:53:12
> 23/09/2004	16:30:16	23/09/2004	16:45:24
> 23/09/2004	11:16:31	23/09/2004	11:19:53
> Many Thanks
> Sam
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