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RE: st: macros in do files don't run

From   "Pema, Elda ALB" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: macros in do files don't run
Date   Fri, 1 Jul 2005 13:27:54 -0700

I have checked and rechecked --no typos. 
macro dir shows that the macro was not recorded at all when I run it from the .do file.
But now I know there is a problem with my machine, or installation of Stata. 
I found a way around it though:
global demog "female black hisp other age80"

probit hsgrad  $demog




	-----Original Message----- 
	From: [email protected] on behalf of Richard. Williams 
	Sent: Fri 7/1/2005 1:16 PM 
	To: [email protected] 
	Subject: Re: st: macros in do files don't run

	At 01:05 PM 7/1/2005, Pema, Elda ALB wrote:
	>There must be a very easy solution to this but I have been unable to find it:
	>When I define macros and run regressions interactively everything works fine.
	>local demog "age female black hisp other"
	>reg hsgrad `demog'
	>When I put the same commands in a .do file, nothing works. It's as if the
	>macros didn't exist at all and regressions are run with only a constant
	>term. I tried defining a global macro too, but that didn't help either.
	>Finally, I tried defining the macros interactively, and running the
	>regressions from the .do file, and that didn't help either. Any ideas?
	Works for me.  Sure you don't have a typo somewhere?  When I'm having
	trouble, I like to add a
	macro dir
	command to my do or ado file so I can make sure that the local macros are
	what I think they are.  Also, either interactively or in your do file you
	can give the command
	set trace on
	This will let you see exactly what Stata is doing.  Remember to -set trace
	off- afterwards.
	Richard Williams, Associate Professor
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