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Re: st: Re: aorder: system limit exceeded

From   James Muller <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Re: aorder: system limit exceeded
Date   Fri, 01 Jul 2005 15:31:26 +1000

It's something to do with the updated release of aorder.

When I run release 2.2.2 found in the 'base' adopath directory of Stata 8 it works fine; the release in the 'update' adopath directory dispays the bug. Since 2.2.2 is not available in Stata9 I have attached the old version to this email; it works fine in Stata9.

A crude way of fixing this, -I believe-, is to copy the old release to update path and change the version numbering so it won't get overwritten. I'm not sure of the mechanics of the update process, but if you trick whatever mechanism is used into thinking the old release is the current, then when the new (corrected) release, "version 2.2.4", is provided then your aorder will automatically update.

Try a few things (a) modifying the file slightly so its timestamp is more recent than the release 2.2.3 file; (b) changing the version number header (the "*! version 2.2.2 31 jul2001" to "*! version 2.2.3 20 aug2003"); and of course (c) anything else you think of.

The 'old' version is
*! version 2.2.2 31jul2001
The 'new' version is
*! version 2.2.3 20aug2003

I'll have a look to see if the problem with the code is obvious.

Another relevent question is: Does anyone know what the rationalle for updating to 2.2.3 was? Is there any real loss by using the previous release?



*! version 2.2.2  31jul2001
program aorder
	version 6, missing
	syntax [varlist]
	local n : word count `varlist'
	if `n' <= 1 { exit }
	quietly { 
		tempvar name
		drop _all 
		set obs `n'
		gen str32 `name' = ""
		tokenize `varlist'
		local i 1 
		while "``i''" != "" {
			replace `name' = "``i''" in `i'
			local i = `i'+1

		SortAord `name'

		local i 1 
		while "``i''" != "" { 
			local x = `name'[`i']
			local newlist "`newlist' `x'"
			local i = `i'+1
		order `newlist'

program SortAord
	syntax varname [in]

	if "`in'" ~= "" {
		tokenize "`in'", parse(" /")
		local first "`2'"
		local last  "`4'"
	else {
		local first 1
		local last = _N

	quietly {
		tempvar name l stub digits nonumb group
		gen str32 `name' = `varlist' `in'
		gen int `l' = index(`name',"0") `in'
		replace `l' = . if `l'==0 `in'
		local i 1
		while `i' <= 33 {
			replace `l' = index(`name',"`i'") if /*
					*/ index(`name',"`i'")<`l' & /*
					*/ index(`name',"`i'")!=0 `in'
			local i = `i' + 1 
		replace `l' = 33 if `l'>=. `in'
		gen str32 `stub' = substr(`name',1,`l'-1) `in'
		local i 1
		gen long `digits' = real(substr(`name',`l',`i')) `in'
		while `i' < 31 {
			local i = `i' + 1
			replace `digits' = real(substr(`name',`l',`i')) `in' /*
					*/ if `digits'<.  /*
					*/ & real(substr(`name',`l',`i'))<.
		gen byte `nonumb' = -1 if `digits'>=. `in'
		sort `stub' `nonumb' `digits' `in'
		drop `nonumb'
		replace `stub' = `stub' + string(`digits') `in'
		drop `digits'
		local i 1
		local flag 0
		while `i' <= _N & `flag'==0 {
			if `name'[`i'] != `stub'[`i'] {
				local flag 1
			local i = `i' + 1
		if `flag' == 1 {
			encode `stub' `in', gen(`group')
			if `group'[`last'] != (`last'-`first'+ 1) {
				replace `l' = length(`stub') `in'
				replace `name' = substr(`name',`l'+1,.) `in'
				local i `first'
				while `i' < `last' {
					if `group'[`i']==`group'[`i'+1] {
						local start `i'
						while `group'[`i']== /*
							*/ `group'[`i'+1] {
							local i = `i' + 1
						local finish `i'
						SortAord `name' /*
							*/ in `start'/`finish'
					else {
						local i = `i' + 1

  VERSION 1.0.0  21dec2002


INCLUDE _std_small
INCLUDE header
HELP hlp1, view("help aorder")
RESET res1

DIALOG main, label("aorder - Alphabetize variables and move") /*
		*/ tabtitle("Main")
  TEXT     tx_vars         _lft      _top       _iwd     .,		/*
  		*/label("Variables to alphabetize and move:")
  TEXT     tx_vars2        @         _vss        @        .,		/*
  		*/label("(Leave blank to alphabetize all the variables)")
  VARLIST  vl_vars         @         _ss        @        .,		/*
  		*/label("Variables to alphabetize and move")

PROGRAM command
	put "aorder "
	varlist [main.vl_vars]

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