Here is one way, using -inspect- to count the unique values and -forv-
to loop across observations:
set obs 2
gen id = _n
expand 20
bysort id: gen time = _n
by id: gen x = round(10*uniform(),1)
qui {
gen count =.
forv k = 1/2 {
local j = 1
forv i = 5/20 {
inspect x if time >=`j' & time <= `i' & id == `k'
replace count =r(N_unique) if time == `i' & id == `k'
local ++j
Hope this helps,
----- Original Message -----
From: Arik <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 12:10 pm
Subject: st: Counting unique values over moving time windows
> I am working with panel data and am trying to create a
> variable that will count the number of unique values
> an existing variable has over overlapping moving
> windows (i.e. I have a list of products sold to
> customers and wish to find the total number of
> customers over 5-year moving windows). This seems to
> fall between the stata commands UNIQUE and MOVSUMM,
> but I can't really think of a syntax that will provide
> the results I'm looking for. I would appreciate any
> help you may offer.
> Arik
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