There are many ways of getting round restrictions
such as this, such as a -save- of the data, -drop-ping
a variable you just -generate-d but don't want to keep, etc.
Yet another way is to write a program involving temporary
variables to do this. That makes no change to your data.
The Statalist FAQ advises
"The current version of Stata is 9. Please specify if you
are using an earlier version; otherwise, the answer to your
question is likely to refer to commands or features
unavailable to you."
[email protected]
> I can't change the data because I ALREADY DID a preserve, so
> I want to get the original data back
> ONLY AT THE VERY END and I don't want to do another preserve
> before that. I am writing this to be
> compatible with stata7 so matsize 800 is a binding
> constraint. Thank you for the suggestions!!
> florence
> On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 20:41:54 +0100
> "Nick Cox" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > set obs 1000
> > gen value = .
> >
> > qui forval i = 1/1000 {
> > replace value = x`i'[1,1] in `i'
> > }
> >
> > sort value
> > l if inlist(_n,50,950)
> >
> > Nick
> > [email protected]
> >
> > P.S. matsize 800 is not a limit in all versions
> > of Stata.
> >
> > P.P.S. your comment about not being able
> > to change the data is not convincing:
> > as you know about -restore-, you can
> > get round any restriction.
> >
> >
> >> If I have 1000 vectors (nx1 matrices) and I would like to
> >> compare the first value in each vector
> >> in order to find the 50th largest, and the 950th largest of
> >> these values, is there an easy way to
> >> do this in stata? I know I can't have more than 800 entries
> >> in any one vector, so I'm not able to
> >> simply create a vector that contains within it the first
> >> value in each of the original 1000
> >> vectors. I am also NOT able to change the data because it is
> >> already in a mode that needs to be
> >> put into restore later. Is there an easy algorithm anyone
> >> can think of to do this?
> >
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