At 10:52 AM 6/27/2005 -0400, Nick Winter wrote:
At 10:30 AM 6/27/2005, you wrote:
But, I am not sure why this is an issue - at least with my current
configuration, viewing windows show up on my bottom tool bar. So, I
have a viewing window open, I click on results, viewing window
disappears, I click on viewer and it comes back. In other words I can't
minimize it, which I suppose would be nice, but it gets covered up by
other windows when I am not using it.
This is exactly what I *don't* want. I want to be able to open up a
viewer with, say, the help file for a command. I then want to be able to
start typing in the command window, while still having the viewer window
visible. But then I want to be able to minimize and/or put the viewer
behind the results window at a later point, so I can see the results.
Got it. I agree, a "float on top" option for viewer windows would be
nice. If you don't have Stata maximized, you could arrange your windows
so both main Stata and viewer window are visible, but that is more work
and more awkward.
Indeed, I've played with that. My monitor is oriented in portrait mode
(ie, taller than it is wide), so that I can see a longer results trail (and
more of a word-processing page), but that leaves little space for both at once.