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st: Tests for Biprobit

From   MAURICIO V <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Tests for Biprobit
Date   Fri, 24 Jun 2005 14:03:35 -0400

I wonder to know how I could test if the residuals of a biprobit model
follow the suppose of normality.
Is it correct to apply the tests for normality, heteroskedastic and
redundant and omitted variables over the both score variables
generated separately?
How should I interpret the third score generated variable? 
Does some of you know some procedures to apply these tests? 
I hope you can give me a hand. Thanks a lot. 
Mauricio V .

Jos� Pablo Mauricio Vargas Aguilar
Doctorado en Econom�a 
Facultadad de Ciencias Econ�micas y Administrativas 
Universidad de Chile 

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